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This page was last accessed: Fri Feb 7 17:37:43 UTC 2025
Webcam pictures from around the house.
Personal Projects
We competed in the 2008 X PRIZE Lunar Lander Challenge. Take a look.
Pictures of an electric Miata conversion done with a friend.
Software Projects
Visit the home page of 'e93' -- a programmer's editor for UNIX and X windows
Download tpasm 1.12 -- a Unix based cross assembler for 6805, 6809, 68HC11, 6502, Sunplus, 8051, Z80, PIC, AVR, and c166
Visit Andrew Pines' pic page and get his handy picp program to burn pics from Linux using your PICSTART Plus.
Learn about Chuck Zenkus -- a good friend who lived life more in 32 years than I likely ever will
Visit Michel in Minnesota
Fascinated by animals in space??
Check out Burt's company (he's a good friend and fellow contract engineer)
Obligatory picture of Tux